Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Dance

I watch them closely. The shadows, lights, colorful smoke and patterns unites around them, combines into new and even more beautiful sightings.
They disappear, it almost looks as if they sank into the floor, then they reappear.
His hand is resting on her waist, the other holding her hand.
Gently, but with authority, he leads her across the floor, lightly swaying. Their feet are light as feathers and barely touching the surface beneath them.
They look almost transparent, angelic as they dance in what seems like an eternity and yet it seems like it lasts only a second.
They’re smiling, but they’re serious. The look in their eyes tells me they’ve done this many times. His hand slides off her waist and out to his side as he raises the other arm over both of them, turning her slightly. She curtsies and he closes his eyes for a second as he nods in approval.
It’s only just begun and now it’s over.
I gasp for breath; I’ve been holding it since I saw them and the air that fills my lungs seem filled with magic.

She walks away as I ask how I can be part of the fantastic scene I have just witnessed, I ask him to teach me. He says he can’t.The next few minutes are sheer horror. The surface I’m standing on starts spinning and moving and I try to keep up. I hear him asking me questions, one after the other. I see the woman behind him, she’s nodding, I’m not sure why but I can see she’s smiling too, so all will be well.
The beautiful smoke from before whirls up and around me, it almost feels as if it was trying to push me or turn me. I collapse on the floor. It's pale wood, polished. He’s still talking; I look up at him hoping he will help me up. But he keeps asking questions faster than I can answer, I can barely hear what he is asking anyway, the flow of words is constant.
The surface stops spinning and instead it seems to move in one direction and I’m trapped. I can’t get lose. All of my limbs hurt and it feels like they’re being stretched, I fight for a while and then give in. His voice quiets down, I listen, he has disappeared and so has she.

I dance, I drift, I float across the surface. The colored smoke is my dancing partner. My skirt is light and almost looks like it’s blending with the smoke and lights as I whirl and swirl. My feet are barely touching the ground beneath me and I can’t help but smile. I feel like I’ve done this many times before. I see him, he smiles and says “I could never teach you this…” then he disappears.
Light as a feather I keep dancing, wondering if anyone is watching…

The picture is a paraphrase of Laurie Cooper's "Freedom Dance" check her own site to see the original. Link

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