Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dear Muslims

Dear Muslims,

When you, for whatever reasons, leave your home to come live temporarily or permanently in another country, please do bring your own traditions and values.
Most people are - or at least were - open minded in the west and willing to try things or do things in a different way.
But, Dear Muslims, please do not come and mock our traditions and beliefs and do not try to force your views or ethics on us.
We have our ways and welcome yours as long as it doesn't interfer with our own.

In most schools, at least in Denmark, hats and other headgear is prohibited and has been that way since before the whole veil-debate. The reason for this is that the teacher can't see their students faces and thus can't tell if they are following or not.
Despite this, muslim girls have been allowed their veils in most school, out of respect for their religion and beliefs.

Gym class is mandatory in school for all kids that doesn't have a medical condition that makes them unable to participate.
Showering afterwards is also mandatory - so kids won't have to smell each others sweat all day! Again, only if a medical condition that would make it hard to shower with the others is present, they will be allowed to skip this.
Last time I checked, Islam was not an illness.
Again, despite these traditions muslim girls have been allowed to skip showering, they have in many places even been allowed to skip gym class altogether.

I can keep on coming up with examples of the flexibility and the respect shown towards muslims and their beliefs, but I hardly think I need to now?

Dear muslims, is it too much to ask that you learn our language, so we can communicate, and that you please respect OUR traditions and beliefs?

For some it seems to be, as they have sunk to a childish level.
The recent move: complaining over piggy banks.
Seriously... this is probably one of the most innocent things in the world!
Why was it necessary to keep complaining over these piggy banks being given out, untill the point that Belgium, The Netherlands and the UK gave up and took them out of their banks and stopped giving them as freebies to children?

Piggy banks may be a little thing - but if you complain to the point thas this little innocent thing be taken away, what won't you complain over?
So what if the pig is unclean to you, nobody asked you to touch it.
(In fact - that is another example of things that has been broadly been taken into consideration. That muslims can't touch or eat meat from pigs!)

Islam is a religion of tolerance, respect and love according to some... Well then, start with respect of those that don't agree with you.

Thank you for reading.


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