Saturday, October 14, 2006

Real life

Traffic chaos, nothing new, drivers running through red lights, cyclists crossing the road without looking back. The pedestrians look like zombies, it's friday afternoon and they're doing their shopping before the weekend.
Shopping bags, crying, begging kids, oh there's a parking lot free ri... nevermind, the Landrover snatched it. It's bigger.

Tax office closed, and it's been for 3 hours, they're rebuilding too. It's nice to see they can spend some of all the money well, but can't afford proper signs so people wouldn't get lost in the big building. It's funny, it smells just like the doctors office inhere..
Some other time maybe, no rush.

Buzzing, busy little bees with their busy little lives, no that's not a free parking lot, you can't park there, it's for Taxis, read the sign!
Racing through the inner city, too fast, another red light. Found a spot.

I remember this place from when I was just a kid...
Cigarettes for him.
Nothing for me, just want to get out.
I liked the doctors office smell better, this place smells so... deadly. Inhale, exhale. I wonder if the cute little shop assistant likes this place? I bet the old men that come here to buy their cigars like her... She's radiant, unlike the rest of the place with it's dirt colored walls and darkwood counters.

On the road again, headed for the supermarket.
What were we supposed to buy? I hope he remembers, I've had enough of "real life" for one day, my mind is on standby now.
Chocolate, let's buy some of that.
Kids crying again, it's like their brains were preprogrammed for "beg-mode" as soon as they see a store.

So, that's real life?

Collapsing on the couch, falling asleep halfway through "Cast Away".

I guess.

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