Sunday, November 12, 2006

Living with a man that hates christmas

I'm in the happy situation of being married to a man that hates christmas.
In mid October, I can be sure to hear the words "If you want christmas decorations, you can do it on your own". He doesn't want part of it. He and christmas pixies, elves, santa's helpers, whatever you want to call them, seem to be death enemies. I'm sure if he had a paint ball gun he would have a field day in the stores shooting down anything slightly christmas-ish.

Apparently his anti-christmasness stems from the fact that christmas is no longer as much about Jesus as it should be. That seems to prevent him from picking out the positive things about the celebration. It's a friggin MONEY-SCAM! OH NO!

If I sound upset, it might be because christmas is the holiday I love the most. I don't care about the rest and for my sake they can take them out of the year if they want. As long as I get to keep christmas. I love elves, reindeer, santas, lights and fancy little decorations. I love the atmosphere, I love the christmastrees, the presents, the cookies. I love absolutely everything about christmas, even the stress!
I have no problem with christmas being about Jesus, none at all, it has always been about Jesus for me. Even if my family felt differently. But I don't see why christmas being about Jesus should leave out all the rest of the good stuff?

It's very bad dancing around a christmastree, because that is like the story in the bible where a group of people were dancing around a cow, and that upset God.
Right... I'm sure God is very upset that we dance around a decorated tree, give each other presents and eat chocolate till we're about to burst. Because God, is evil! He doesn't want us to have fun and enjoy outselves. Riiight...
Maybe not. Maybe, just maybe, He has more important things on His mind?

I just want to be able to enjoy christmas, and to share that joy with my husband, but I guess I can forget that...

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