Monday, November 20, 2006

The stench of wasted time

I just read about a 20year old guy, who was worried about his future because at the moment he has some bad habits. He smokes Hash almost everyday, he drinks and smokes cigarettes - alot.
He was asking, if he had any future.

I was expecting people to say things such as "You have to pull yourself together, starting such bad habits at age 20..." But no. There were a few comments like that, but most were more or less saying "You're normal. That's basically how 20year olds are".
My jaw dropped and my eyes widened as I read the comments. A few even said "Don't worry. That's the perfect image of me at age 20, and I'm 35 and doing great now!"
That is all so wrong. You people need to push him in the right direction, not encourage this behavior.
But what is the right direction? Has it really come to this? Is it fine for a 20year old to waste everyday smoking Hash and partying from wednesday night till monday morning?

I don't think I need to say that being already involved with Hash, other dangers lurk just around the cornor. A few of your Hash-buddies might get bored with Hash and wants to try something else. Cocaine, Ecstasy, LSD...

Shouldn't 20year olds have some healthier habits, like... sport or girls/boys? Or am I just all wrong?

1 comment:

Serena said...

no, you're right.

see, its not whither or not twenty year olds on average smoke drugs or are unmotivated... its the fact that this guy was putting it out there as red flag that he wants to put his life in gear. the fact that people didnt step up and encourage him is disappointing. positive behavior should be encouraged, not dismissed.