Monday, November 27, 2006

One of those days...

Today was “just one of those days”. What, one of those days?
The kind of day where you feel like punching the first person you see, where everything you touch seems to turn into failure, where your words are like poison and where all the chocolate in the world just won’t make you feel any better.

I’m wondering what makes a good day, a good day and a bad day, a bad day.
Some days are just like that, from the minute you open your eyes the day is ruined. Is there some sort of lottery going on during the night, where people get to draw their lucky number… or not so lucky number? Who will get out of bed on the wrong side today… drum roll please!

Is it our dreams maybe? Do the dreams we have, even those we don’t remember, have an influence on how our day will be? Is it the quality of our sleep? Or maybe the quantity?
Or maybe it’s just hormones? Or perhaps the explanation lies in our… so called biorhythm? If I believed in astrology the answer might be in the stars and moons and what else is up there in the endless universe…

Luck, fate, psychology or science? I wish I knew. Whatever it is, I hope tomorrow is better than today was.

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